18.5 C
20 Eylül 2024 Cuma
Ana SayfaİşlemciAMD'nin yeni CPU'ları

AMD’nin yeni CPU’ları

Daha Thunderbird ve Duron yeni çıkmışken AMD yeni CPU’larının duyurusuna başladı. Resmi olarak duyurmasada aşağıdaki 3 CPU yakında gündeme girebilir. Rekabet ortamında üreticiler ne yapacaklarını şaşırdılar ve kullanıcılarıda zor bir tercih yelpazesi ile baş başa bırakıyorlar. İşte AMD’nin üç yeniCPU’su Mustang,Palomino,Morgan …

– Mustang will feature an L2 cache from 512Kb to 2MB. This CPU is aimed at workstations and servers and that’s why the L2 cache size will be selected separately for each particular case depending on the customers requests.

– Palomino (aka Corvette) is a mobile CPU, which is none other but an analogue to AMD Thunderbird, but a more economical one in terms of power consumption. It will feature a 256KB L2 cache.

– Morgan (aka Camaro) will be a new low-cost CPU for the mobile market. Just like Duron but consuming less power. Its L2 cache will be 64KB

Alp ÖZDEMİRhttps://hardwaremania.com
Alp an engineer with a passion for all things tech He has spent years honing his skills in the field and is always eager to share his knowledge&insights with others
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