ELSA,ERAZOR III,ERAZOR III LT ve ERAZOR III Pro serisi ekran kartları için Ref.Det.5.30 tabanlı yeni sürücülerini duyurdu.Diablo II’deki stabilite sorunun düzeltildiği v4.12.01.0206-0110 drv. ait detay ise…
-It supports fullscreen OpenGL games in stereo mode with ELSA 3D REVELATOR.
-The ELSA 3D REVELATORcan now support special internet applications like VRML with a D3D plug-in
-Performance optimized drivers without video in/out support.
-Some current game titles like Blizzards Diablo II needs this driver for stability.
ELSA ERAZOR III Series v4.12.01.0206-0110 drv