15.8 C
19 Ekim 2024 Cumartesi
Ana SayfaEkran KartıGeForce 4 & GeForce4 MX !!!

GeForce 4 & GeForce4 MX !!!

Evet sonunda NVIDIA’nın GeForce4’ü hakkında ilk detaylar gelmeye başladı. İlk GeForce256’dan beri ürün çıkmadan önce belirtilen detaylara çok yakı ürünler piyasaya çıkıyor ve ürünler hakkında ilk bilgiler duyulmaya başladıkdan sonra 3-6ay içinde çalışan ürünler ortalıkda dolaşmaya başlıyor. Aşağıda NVIDIA’nın yeni serisi hakkında henüz resmi olmayan bazı bilgiler bulabilirsiniz.

GeForce4 Ti 1000. This is the fastest graphics cards built on GeForce4
chip working at about 300MHz frequency. The card will have AGP 8x interface and
128MB DDR SDRAM memory working at 700MHz.

GeForce4 Ti 500. This is a bit slower solution with around 275MHz chip
frequency and 600MHz memory frequency. Although it will have AGP 4x interface,
the card will still come with 128MB graphics memory.

GeForce4 MX 460. This is the eldest representative of the GeForce4 MX
family. It will probably have 4 rendering pipelines and DirectX 8-compliant T&L
unit. The amount of DDR graphics memory used (with 128bit bus) will be cut down
to 64MB, and its working frequency will be reduced down to 550MHz. The core will
work at 300MHz.

GeForce4 MX 440. These cards will go with 64MB DDR SDRAM with 128bit
access bus. The memory working frequency will be 400MHz and the core frequency –

GeForce4 MX 420. According to the available data, this GeForce4 MX
version will be targeted for the Low-End market that is why the cards built on
it will have 64MB SDR SDRAM memory working at 166MHz. The core will work at
250MHz. Besides, It looks as if there were only two rendering pipelines in this

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Bahadır Yaramışhttp://hardwaremania.com
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