11.4 C
19 Ekim 2024 Cumartesi
Ana SayfaYazılımNew DivX 5.0 

New DivX 5.0 

DIVX 5.0 sonunda çıktı ancak hakkında henuz çok fazla bilgi yok. DIVX 5.0 ve DIVXPlayer 2.0beta’yı www.divx.com ‘dan çekebilirsiniz.

* MPEG-4 Compatibility. DivX Pro is able to decode all levels of MPEG-4 Simple Profile, MPEG-4 Advanced Simple Profile, and H.263 video. It is also capable of encoding MPEG-4 Simple Profile and MPEG-4 Advanced Simple Profile video. ISO/IEC 14496-2).

* DivX(tm) MPEG-4 file format. DivX Pro includes support for the new DivX(tm) MPEG-4 file format (encoding and decoding).

* Smaller file sizes. The advanced techniques and tools of DivX Pro mean that the same visual quality can be achieved at up to 41% smaller file sizes than DivX 4.x. This represents up to an additional 25% improvement over DivX 5.0.

* Integrated video encoding tools. DivX Pro includes built-in video encoding tools that are tightly integrated with the core codec. This include: de-interlacing, resizing, cropping, and intelligent inverse telecine and deinterlacing mode. This tools normally are included in separate applications at additional cost.

* Pre-processing. DivX Pro includes patent-pending noise reduction
pre-processing algorithms that can dramatically improve the compression performance on video sources that normally contain a lot of noise such as older movies.

* Psychovisual modeling. DivX Pro includes psychovisual modeling, an advanced technique that takes into account knowledge about how the Human Visual System (HVS) works to compress moving video images into much smaller sizes without a loss of video quality.

* Bi-directional encoding (B-frames). Full support for bi-directional encoding (B-frames).

* Global motion compensation. Global motion compensation provides special encoding tools to deal with common panning and zooming sequences within video sources.

* Quarter pel. DivX Pro includes the capability to analyze block movements from frame to frame to the quarter pel level.

* Data partitioning. DivX Pro includes support for data partitioning, where the software organizes the video data differently in the video stream, making the video stream more resilient to ransmission errors when it is broadcast over lossy networks.

* Advanced support for existing encoding applications. All the advanced new features of DivX Pro are designed to work immediately with existing video encoding applications and require no application updates in order to work.

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