19 C
20 Eylül 2024 Cuma
Ana SayfaEkran KartıFireGL has been sold to ATI !!!  

FireGL has been sold to ATI !!!  

FireGL which is in the body of SONICBlue has been sold to ATI for 10 million dolars. 2.7 million dolars will be paid instantly but the rest of the amount will be paid as soon as the target aimed by the fireGL Graphics are met. Now adays Compaq, Dell, Fujitsu, Hewlett-Packard, IBM and Siemens has the right to use the name of FIREGL. It has been declared that people who are at the stage of production and the ones who are working in the factory in America will not be fired but 35 person working in the search and development center will join the central office of ATI in Germany.

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Bahadır Yaramışhttp://hardwaremania.com
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