14 C
17 Mart 2025 Pazartesi
Ana SayfaDonanımABIT KT7 bios update

ABIT KT7 bios update

Abit has announced a new ZT bios update for KT7 series mobos. The incompatibility problems with SB Live! series seem to be fixed.

1. Adds three new options to enhance the system compatibility
.Delay transaction
.PCI master read caching
.PCI master time-out
Set above options to Disabled/Disabled/0 may help SB Live 5.1 sound issue. If the system experiences low performance after these settings, enable the “PCI master read caching” please.
2. Fixes the issue Athlon 1.3G(100) wrongfully recognized as 104×12.5.
3. Adds an option “State after power failure”.
4. Set all four IDE devices to “AUTO”.
5. Set the default year to 2001.
6. BIOS compile date: 05/11/2001″

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