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15 Mart 2025 Cumartesi
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Ekran kartı
Leadtek GeForce2 Ultra
“With its 4ns memory onboard and the powerful GeForce2 Ultra chip, this card is definately an imposing card to have in your gaming rig.”

Hercules 3D Prophet 4500(Kyro II)
“If you buy one of these, you’ll like it. But don’t go queuing outside the shop at midnight to get your hands on one.”

ASUS AGP-V7100 Pro(MX400)
“The ASUS AGP-V7100 Pro won’t cost much more than a usual V7100, but its possibilities and, especially, overclocking potential will please users”

“Still, Abit’s reputation of quality, and the KT7a’s features, most notably Softmenu III, thrust it to the top of the heap of boards for SocketA I’ve been able to test so far”

Asus’s KM133 A7VI-VM
“If you’re in the market for a MicroATX board, definitely give the A7VI-VM a good hard look you might really like what you see.”

Asus A7M266 DDR
“Well, it will set you back slightly more than a KT133A setup, most of you will have to buy DDR RAM and the performance difference is barely noticeable”

Seagate Barracuda 180 ST1181677LWV
“In conclusion, the Barracuda 180 obviously isn’t the drive of choice for a power-user looking for lots of mass storage.”

Logitech WingMan Formula GP Racing Wheel

“The Logitech WingMan Formula GP is a very good, basic steering wheel and pedal configuration for the PC.”

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Yoda is a revered former Jedi Master who spent the last years of his life on Dagobah. The nine-hundred-year-old Jedi master trained Jedi knights for eight centuries.
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