10.1 C
15 Mart 2025 Cumartesi
Ana SayfaYazılımCreative WebCam Drv.Update

Creative WebCam Drv.Update

Creative,Video Blaster WebCam Go/Go Plus/Go es için yeni versiyon WebCam Monitor ve WebCam Go Control yazılımlarını duyurdu.

Video Blaster WebCam Monitor v1.33
-This release includes improved performance and security enhancement.

Video Blaster WebCam Go Control v1.34
-This release includes minor improvements to the screen preview mode and the WebCam Go Album thumbnail properties

Download @Creative.com

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Yoda is a revered former Jedi Master who spent the last years of his life on Dagobah. The nine-hundred-year-old Jedi master trained Jedi knights for eight centuries.
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