18.2 C
20 Eylül 2024 Cuma
Ana SayfaYazılımWinAMP 3.0 Alpha 6e build #420

WinAMP 3.0 Alpha 6e build #420

Yeni bir Winamp 3.0 betası sanırım uzun süre bu beta’lar devam edecek.

takes even less memory, smaller .exe, more stable (as usual)
playlist editor ASSERT bug smushed
working playlist thingy
fixed bug where files dropped on bottom of playlist showed up on top
faster window painting and resizing and shit
new avs with overlay support! Skinning
skin xml can include other skins’ xml files for tinyness
skin pieces can hold multiple components
all-in-one skin (“Compact”) included, takes up only about 5k
added support for horizontal animations
accurate animatedrects are back
eq latency cut to 2 seconds instead of 7
eq has sexy curves again!
skin scripts can have user functions and user classes
automatically updated build numbers to aid conspiracy theorists
http status messages added

WinAMP 3.0 Alpha 6e build #420

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Bahadır Yaramışhttp://hardwaremania.com
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